
Pratt Family History


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Origin of 'Pratt' Name


FAMILY TREE - Click on name to find detailed history

Henry PRATT c 1886 Probable Gt Gt Gt Grandfather   m. Susan ?? 
George PRATT 1814-1841 Gt Gt GrandFather m.  Ann HEMMING
Francis PRATT c 1822- Possible Gt Gt GrandUncle
Henry PRATT 1838-19.. Gt GrandFather m.  Sarah BUSTIN 1863
George PRATT 1840- Gt GrandUncle Unmarried at age 41
Henry George PRATT 1869-1942 GrandFather m.  Emily Maud CHILD 1902
Georgina Hales PRATT 1863- Grand Aunt m. William BRACE 1885
Mary Ann PRATT 1868- Grand Aunt Unmarried at age 34
Cyril George PRATT 1903-1987 Uncle m. Cecilla Maud EVANS
Charles Edmund PRATT 1908-1979   Father m. Mary Esther CAMPBELL
Iris Emily PRATT 1912- Aunt Spinster
Vera Edith PRATT 1912-1997 Aunt Spinster

                             Henry    m    Susan
m    Ann                     John     m    Mary
                        PRATT           HEMMING          BUSTIN          KETTLE
                                          I                                            I
                  +---------------------+---------------+                           I
                   I                                       I                           I
             George                               Henry      
m           Sarah
             PRATT                              PRATT                   BUSTIN
                            I                                          I                                         I
m  Georgina Hales                      Mary Ann             Henry George  m  Emily Maud
 BRACE            PRATT                              PRATT                     PRATT               CHILD
               I                                                                                                 I
 +-----------+-----+----------------+                                                                        I  
  I                   I                 I                                                                         I
Mervyn     Reginald     Norman                                                                     I
BRACE     BRACE     BRACE                                                                     I
            I                                                        I                                                  I                               I
Cyril George 
m  Cecilla Maud          Charles Edmund  m  Mary Ester         Reginald Henry    Iris Emily & Vera Edith (Twins)
   PRATT               EVANS                    PRATT              CAMPBELL             PRATT           PRATT         PRATT 

The following history has been accumulated, researched and maintained by Colin Pratt. This has been carried out over many years since the death of my Father in 1979. I realised that I knew little of my family history, my Uncle and Cousins in Western Australia, or of relatives in England. It was then that I set out on a quest to find my roots and record them for future generations to read and learn of their origins. It is hoped that some member of our families take up the challenge to add to these records, both future and past generations, after I relinquish the task.

The PRATT's above originate from the Counties of Surrey, Huntingdonshire, Derbyshire, Middlesex, London & Warwickshire, England.

I would like to record the invaluable assistance provided by my Aunt, Iris PRATT, for the detailed information she provided from her memory, via hundreds of letters over the years. It never ceased to amaze me how she could recall information of both her parental and material families (even to the colour of their eyes or how their hair was parted), much of it learnt from her mother who had passed on in 1967, some 25 years earlier. On obtaining certificates later on, it was surprising how accurate her information of events was. I am pleased to say that she is still with us, living in South Holmwood Surrey, aged 93.

My Cousin Dennis PRATT in Western Australia joined me in this research in 2002 and spent invaluable hours searching through the GRO registers at the local library that has added to our family tree.

This page was created on March 8 1998, and last updated on August 27, 2006

Pratt Crest

Pratt Crest which evolved in Germany by Epringen von Pratteln



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