Colin Pratt's Home Page |
Welcome to the Home Page of Colin & Fay Pratt and the histories of related families. If you are related to any of these families, or have any common family names, or can contribute in any way, you may like to contact us for an exchange of information, please email me. This page is maintained by Colin Pratt. My aim is to contribute to the world of genealogy in some small way. We have been fortunate over the years to have people help answer our questions without thought of reward and we feel these pages may go some way to repaying others kindness. |
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The background music is the ballad of
Waltzing Matilda. Find the words and explanation of this song by entering here. |
This page was last updated on August 27, 2006
This page was created using MS FrontPage 2000, and a bit of HTML. Nothing here is intended to be a breach of Copyright, and the graphics shown were either created by me, or are Copyright of their individual owners.